The College of Natural Resources and Environment Information Technology department provides support with four full-time employees to provide computer support to all CNRE faculty, staff, and students..
The college IT department also provides centralized file system management and backup services for all faculty/staff computers via an enterprise storage solution known as Minnow. Minnow is located over in the AISB building at the CRC (replicated in Cassell Coliseum) and has approximately 56 TB of disk storage between five different shares for faculty, staff, and research collaborative shares. It also supports something known as Snapshot Technology which allows you to go back in time and get an earlier version of a file for up to aproximately a month.
The college supports four main computer facilities for faculty, staff, graduate student, and undergraduate student use. The Microcomputer Teaching Laboratory is primarily used for teaching and undergraduate work and is located in 220 Cheatham Hall. The Center for Environmental Applications in Remote Sensing (CEARS) lab is primarily a graduate student research laboratory located in 217 Cheatham Hall. The Geography department houses the GIS Computer Laboratory as the primary resource for the entire Geography department and is located in Major Williams Hall. The Wood Science and Forest Products department houses the Brooks Computer Laboratory located in the Brooks Forest Products Center which is used by both the undergraduate and graduate students housed in that facility. For more information on the college computer labs please go to the Facilities page.
For more on services that the department of IT provides please go to the Services page.